This blog is not my first attempt at blogging. I sort of lost track, but it’s at least my third or fourth. And way back in 2008, I wrote a blog post explaining why I wrote my books (which were all self-published at the time). Here’s what I said about The Simplicity Cycle:
Frustrated by dealing with engineers who overvalue complexity, I wrote this book to help myself understand design and to counter those complexity advocates. I wanted to explore and express certain truths about design, and by explaining these truths, to be able to understand and apply them. I was also aiming to help establish my reputation as an expert of some kind, and to create something beautiful and elegant.
You know, I think that’s still why I write: to help myself understand things. To explore ideas, to think out loud (on paper), to hold up my ideas to scrutiny – my own and that of my readers. I wrote magazine articles for a military journal. I wrote blog posts. I wrote a manifesto or two, and I wrote short books.
The format and flavor doesn’t matter terribly much. They key was that my writing was primarily experimental and exploratory. It was also public, and I was genuinely trying to a) help my readers explore these same issues and b) helping my readers connect with me and each other, to know they weren’t the only ones working on these issues.
As C.S. Lewis wrote, we read to know we are not alone. I think we write for the same reason.